
OBD Plug-N-Play

OBD Plug N-Play


OBD Plug N-Play

Track My Truck, a leading provider of GPS telematics and fleet management solutions, offers the innovative OBD Plug-N-Play GPS tracker for commercial businesses.

This high-performance GPS tracking device is a key component of our comprehensive fleet management platform. Designed to enhance fleet operations, the OBD Plug-N-Play tracker helps businesses optimize route efficiency, reduce operational costs, improve driver safety, and boost overall performance.


OBD Plug N-Play

  • Accurate real-time GPS tracking with pinpoint location accuracy
  • Engine excessive idling
  • External power cut
  • 4G LTE network (covering all 4G bands world-wide)
  • Collect fuel consumption, fuel level data
  • Collect Odometer/Dashboard mileage
  • Advanced power management, including sleep mode and power save mode, for extended battery life.
  • Geo-fencing and customizable alerts for boundary violations and entry/exit events.
  • Driver behavior monitoring, including speeding, harsh braking, and acceleration.
  • OTA (Over the Air) firmware updates for easy maintenance and updates

Industry Specific Applications

  • Enabling dispatchers to send the closest available technician to a job site
  • Providing real-time tracking of all vehicles, which can help improve route planning and reduce fuel costs
  • Monitoring vehicle usage to ensure that maintenance is performed on schedule
  • Providing insights into driver behavior, which can help reduce the risk of accidents and lower insurance premiums


  • Providing real-time tracking of all vehicles, which can help improve route planning and reduce fuel costs
  • Monitoring vehicle usage to ensure that maintenance is performed on schedule
  • Enabling dispatchers to send the closest available technician to a job site
  • Monitoring the temperature of cargo to ensure that it stays within a safe range


  • Enabling dispatchers to send the closest available technician to a job site
  • Providing real-time tracking of all vehicles, which can help improve route planning and reduce fuel costs
  • Monitoring vehicle usage to ensure that maintenance is performed on schedule
  • Providing insights into driver behavior, which can help reduce the risk of accidents and lower insurance premiums


  • Track the location and status of their vehicles and equipment
  • Monitor driver behavior to ensure safe driving practices
  • Provide insights into equipment usage and maintenance needs enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.
  • Optimize scheduling and routing, reducing drive time and ensuring timely service for customers.


  • Providing real-time tracking of all vehicles, which can help improve route planning and reduce fuel costs
  • Enabling dispatchers to send the closest available vehicle to a job site
  • Monitoring vehicle usage to ensure that maintenance is performed on schedule
  • Monitoring the location of equipment to prevent theft or unauthorized use


  • Providing real-time tracking of all vehicles, which can help improve route planning and reduce fuel costs
  • Monitoring vehicle usage to ensure that maintenance is performed on schedule
  • Enabling dispatchers to send the closest available vehicle to a pickup or delivery location
  • Providing real-time updates on the status of deliveries to customers


  • Providing real-time tracking of all vehicles, which can help improve route planning and reduce fuel costs
  • Monitoring vehicle usage to ensure that maintenance is performed on schedule
  • Enabling dispatchers to send the closest available vehicle to a job site
  • Providing insights into driver behavior, which can help reduce the risk of accidents and lower insurance premiums



With the OBD Plug-N-Play, you can track and monitor your entire fleet in real-time from a single dashboard. View your vehicles’ location, speed, and other critical information to improve dispatching, routing, and scheduling. Set up geofences and receive alerts when a vehicle enters or exits a designated area, and monitor driver behavior such as harsh braking or acceleration.


Track My Truck’s GPS telematics and fleet management platform provides detailed reports and analytics to help you identify trends, optimize routes, and reduce fuel consumption. Get insights into vehicle usage, maintenance needs, and driver behavior, and use this information to make data-driven decisions to improve your fleet operations.


With Track My Truck’s GPS telematics and fleet management platform, you can set up customized alerts and notifications to stay informed about your fleet’s status. Receive real-time alerts for vehicle maintenance, driver safety events, and other critical events, and stay on top of your fleet’s performance and status.


Installation Process

  1. Plug the device into the OBD port of your vehicle. This port is usually located under the dashboard, near the steering column.
  2. Once plugged in, the device should start flashing a red and blue light to confirm that it is active and receiving power from the vehicle.
  3. Log in to the GPS tracking platform provided by the Track My Truck to configure the device settings, such as the report interval, geofencing, and alarms.
  4. Once the device is configured, you can start tracking your vehicle using the platform.
  5. If you’re worried about the device getting easily unplugged, you can request a Y-cord adapter from the manufacturer or service provider. This adapter will allow you to hardwire the device into the vehicle, keeping it discrete and hidden behind the dashboard panel where it cannot be seen by the driver. This will help ensure that the device stays in place and continues to track your vehicle accurately.


Customer Support

  • OBD Plug-N-Play is backed by a comprehensive customer support program, with dedicated specialists available to help with any questions or issues that may arise.ย 
  • This may include live chat, email support, phone support, and more, depending on the level of service included in the customer’s package.
  • Additionally, the OBD Plug-N-Play may include online documentation and tutorials to help customers get the most out of the device and the cloud-based platform.


The OBD Plug-N-Play is a GPS tracking device that can be easily installed in your vehicle’s OBD port. Once installed and configured, the device can provide you with real-time tracking information about your vehicle, including its location, speed, and other data. The device is designed to be discrete and easy to install, making it a great choice for those who want to keep tabs on their vehicle’s location and movements.

If you’re considering purchasing a OBD Plug-N-Play choose a device that meets your needs and fits your budget. It’s also important to consider the installation process and the level of customer support provided.

The OBD Plug-N-Play is a user-friendly GPS tracking device that can provide valuable information about your vehicle’s whereabouts and movements. By following the installation process and seeking out any necessary customer support, you can have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is being tracked and monitored with precision and reliability.

Take control of your drive with a clear view!

At Track My Truck, we’re committed to providing our customers with the most advanced and reliable GPS telematics and fleet management solutions on the market. Contact us today to learn more about the OBD Plug-N-Play and how it can help you improve your commercial fleet operations.

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The OBD Plug-N-Play is a GPS tracking device that can be installed in a vehicle to monitor its location and movements in real-time. The device uses GPS technology to determine the vehicle’s location and then sends this information to a web-based tracking platform, which can be accessed from a computer or mobile device.

The OBD Plug-N-Play can provide a range of benefits, including improved vehicle security, increased efficiency, and reduced costs. By monitoring your vehicle’s location and movements, you can ensure that it is being used properly, avoid theft or misuse, and optimize its use for business or personal needs.

Yes, the OBD Plug-N-Play is designed to be easy to install and can be plugged into the OBD port of most vehicles. However, if you’re concerned about the device getting easily unplugged, we can provide a Y-cord adaptor so you can hardwire the device into the vehicle and keep it discrete and hidden behind the dashboard panel.

GPS tracking devices like the OBD Plug-N-Play are legal to use in most cases, as long as they are used in a legal and ethical manner. However, it’s important to obtain proper consent before installing a tracking device in a vehicle that you do not own or have permission to monitor.

We provide comprehensive customer support for the OBD Plug-N-Play, including installation assistance, troubleshooting, and ongoing technical support. You can contact our team via email or phone to get the help you need.

The OBD Plug-N-Play sends tracking data to our web-based tracking platform, which you can access from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. Simply log in to the platform using your account credentials to view your vehicle’s location and movements in real-time.

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