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Drive Your Fleet Forward with Confidence

One platform for all industries

A platform that can satisfy any business requirements of your customers: fleet security, fuel management, cold supply chain, last mile delivery, driver identification, fleet management, work order management, etc

What's in it for you?

No-Contract Solution

Flexible options with no hidden fees. Gain total control over your fleet while enjoying top-notch service.

Scheduling & Dispatching

Quickly assign jobs, optimize routes, and keep everything on track with one easy-to-use tool.


Everything you need—tracking, monitoring, planning, signature and photo capture—all in one simple, fast, and easy-to-use platform

24/7 Customer Support

A dedicated support team available anytime to address customer questions or issues.

Online tracking

Provide data with the highest precision. Don’t let remote areas or concrete jungle stop you from pinning down the location.

Advanced telemetry

Empower clients with profound visibility of high-value assets. Check in real-time or for past periods. Control remotely.

Geofencing and POI

Protect assets from unauthorized use or theft. Deliver automatic notifications when the asset leaves the perimeter.

Alerts and reports

Instantly inform on key events for timely response. Generate reports and provide in-depth analytics.

Smart Communication

Harmonize communication between field team and back office to drive agility and growth. Streamline data collection and improve field performance.

Prevent breakdowns

Use the platform to schedule equipment maintenance based on its utilization or time spans. Receive timely reminders and notifications.


Share real-time vehicle locations with your team or customers easily. Keep everyone updated with customizable, secure links to track assets anytime, anywhere

Route Optimization:

Find the fastest and most efficient routes to save fuel and improve delivery times

Routes, Tech, and No Wreck

Get the lowdown on the newest fleet management hacks. Save fuel, boost safety, and make every job smoother with cutting-edge tech and best practices.

Got a Fleet to Track? We Got Your Back

Book Your 30-Minute Demo Today