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Three Important Principles Of Fleet Management

Three Important Principles Of Fleet Management - Track My Truck

At Track My Truck, we have put a lot of thought into helping our customers to manage fleet operations.

Fleet management is one of those industries that’s been best served by new technology – the types of logging and tracking functionality that have been invented in the past decade or so are perfect for this industry in a variety of ways. That said, fleet management also benefits from some specific design principles. Think about these when you’re trying to figure out how to best administrate a transport business or some other kind of enterprise that operates a fleet of vehicles on a regular basis.

Keep It Simple And Affordable

This is our first philosophy of business at TMT. It means controlling costs, and it also means providing a simple, easy-to-use interface.

Fleet management is, like other kinds of management services, a digital dashboard type of business. It’s done on computers, and so the interface is the ecosystem that people encounter when they start learning how to use tools and resources.

We know from experience that interface design makes all the difference in the user’s experience and how they are able to benefit from a certain type of software. For instance, think about your favorite operating system over the years. What did you like about it? You probably liked how its controls were set up, which made it easy to find things. Then when Microsoft changed to something else, it became frustrating to maintain business as usual.

That’s the same kind of strategy that applies to fleet management software or any other kind of software, to help modern users tackle the learning curve and become more comfortable with the tools they use each day.

Great Customer Service

This second philosophy is one that applies to almost any kind of business, not just fleet management.

However, it does specifically apply to fleet management for some pretty important reasons.

Think about your typical software emergency. You’re putting together a plan to use the software on a daily basis, and some feature just doesn’t work right. Or you’re missing some key documentation that’s going to help you plan. Or you just have one super important question that needs expert advice.

Now think about calling, and whether or not someone picks up on the other end of the line.

There’s a reason why the best companies offer 24/7 support and customer service that stands out from the crowd. It’s because they know that value to customers – that the transaction doesn’t end when you sell a piece of software – that it’s often well after that point when quality makes the most difference.

Fleet Intelligence, Simply: Consolidated and Converged Systems

This third philosophy is different from the first one. It’s the idea of consolidating services into one networking platform, so that software does more with less complexity. So in that sense, it does also make the interface easier to use. But it’s a specific kind of building design that some people talk about as unified communications as a service. For example, we put our fleet tracking, package tracking, maintenance and compliance tools all in one single package, which helps our clients – a lot.

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